Selected Writings & Podcasts

Creativity, Judaism and Jewish Education

Preview!Jewish Creativity: An Essential Aspiration for Jewish Education,” Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education, Brandeis University: Fall 2024. (Available on the Mandel Center’s website in early Fall.)

To be a Co-Author of the Jewish Story,” Educated Kaplanian Jew Talmud Page, The Kaplan Center, January, 2024.

Sustaining a Creative People: Learning the Habits of Creative Thinking,” The Peoplehood Papers, edited by Shlomi Ravid and Dean Bell, Volume 30 (August 2021).

“Jewish Creative Sensibilities: Framing a New Aspiration for Jewish Education,” Journal of Jewish Education, 85:4 (December 2019). Winner of 2019 Article of the Year Award for the Journal of Jewish Education and most downloaded article 2019.

“The Past as Portal to the Future: theatre dybbuk’s Creative Exploration and Presentation of Jewish History,” with Tobin Belzer, in Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning: Making Meaning at Many Tables, edited by Diane Tickton Schuster (Wipf and Stock Publishers: 2022).

When Creativity Nourishes the Mind, Soul and Heart,” HaYidion, Summer 2016.

The Creativity Imperative,HaYidion, 2014.


Jewish Thought and Spiritual Meaning

“Revelation is Just the Beginning,” An interpretive journey among artist-scholars in search of meaning leading to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, 2020-2021. Published with the generous support of the Covenant Foundation.

“Experiencing God in the Midst of Conflict,” in Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives, edited by Edwin C. Goldberg and Elaine S. Zecher. CCAR Press: 2021. pp. 89-98.

The State of Jewish Education

“From Thriving to Striving: Jewish Education for a World of Uncertainty and Opportunity.” in Where Jewish Education Helps Students Thrive: A Tribute to Dr. Jonathan Woocher, eds. David Bryfman and Beth Cousens. (Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, 2018) pp. 34-41.

A Dream Not Quite Come True:” Reassessing the Benderly Era in Jewish Education,” Journal of Jewish Education 70:3 (Fall 2004).
